4th Saturday Support Circle IN PERSON: A PFLAGPDX Pioneer shares her story
Fourth Saturday Support Circle, Feb. 24, 11 am to 1 pm.
Multnomah Arts Center, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy., Portland 97219 Cottage #4 (adjacent to SW 34th Avenue, west end of the campus)
Why isn’t there a REGISTER button for this event?
Just come and enjoy the program!
“A PFLAG Portland pioneer shares her story”
Long before today’s transgender battles, Susie Shepherd and her parents fought on the front lines on behalf of Oregon’s queer community. In 1977, the Shepherds and another couple founded Parents of Gays as a parents’ support group. Four years later, Parents of Gays elected to join the PFLAG National Network as PFLAG Portland, and Susie went on to serve on our chapter’s board of directors. Join us for an in-person program where Susie will show a video about her late parents and share her thoughts about today’s LGBTQIA+ community and its challenges.
ASL Interpreters will be provided.
Susie Shepherd