A Moment of Portland PFLAG Joy is a place where our members can anonymously share meaningful experiences they’ve had as an LGBTQ+ person or someone special to an LGBTQ+ person. Let us know at info@pflagpdx.org if you have a story you’d like to share.

Joy can come from unexpected places, and this Moment of Portland PFLAG Joy comes from an unexpected person: a Texan, whose first visit to Oregon coincided with the Portland Pride Festival. Ster Carey describes his experience in a letter to Portland PFLAG President George Rede, which we are proud to share with you.
Photo of: Ster Carey and Patt Bekken
Hi George,
Firstly, it was so nice meeting you, and I want to thank you and your wonderful PFLAG team for being so welcoming and gracious to me at Portland PRIDE! As you know, it was the very first time I have ever been to Oregon. To be treated as an honorary PFLAG member for a day, as well as extended the privilege of carrying your team’s banner during the Pride Parade, was a wondrous experience to remember for a lifetime! Your hospitality towards a mere stranger and your sheer kindness to me spoke volumes and served to illustrate what a phenomenal and class act Portland PFLAG is.
Reminiscing on the past spectacular events, three things stood out and will forever be cemented in my mind about your organization:Portland PFLAG is made up of parents who love their LGBTQ+ kids unconditionally and are willful surrogate parents for Queer youths who, unfortunately, have been deprived of supporting, loving parents that accept them exactly as they are. Portland PFLAG is a transformative organization that is not only a staunch proponent of LGBTQ+ Youth Rights but also an invaluable resource for other parents needing mutual support in caring for their children who might be trans, gay, or simply questioning their sexual identity.Lastly, Portland PFLAG extended “goodness” to a visiting Texan and showed me firsthand the magic that your team is providing toward overall humanity as unwavering advocates of our beautiful LGBTQ+ young people. This has personally inspired me to seek opportunities to support the PFLAG chapter in my state. Before visiting Portland, I knew nothing about PFLAG or any of the above, so your invitation to help at the parade became a great means of hands-on education for me; hence, the things I learned and took away from the experience. You, your wife, my new friend Patt, and the rest of your PFLAG family have made a friend in me and an everlasting excellent impression.
Thanks for reaching out and for all the love you and your team have shown me during my recent visit to Portland PRIDE which was incredible and beyond amazing!
Yours truly,
Ster Carey