Your donation keeps the PFLAG Chapter Family strong - so we can keep you strong.
First, decide on how much you’d like to contribute. We've suggested several levels of support in our donation form below.
If you’d like to set up automatic monthly donations, you can do that too!
- $10 / month supports our Youth Grant and Outreach
- $15 / month buys refreshments and supplies for a chapter support meeting
- $20 / month funds a mini-grant to a Portland LGBTQ youth group.
Your donation of $35 or more yearly automatically makes you a member of PFLAG Portland and the PFLAG National Network, with the privilege to vote on Chapter matters at our July Annual Meeting.
PFLAG Portland serves the Metro Area with 3 Chapters: Portland, East County, and Washington County. Our chapters operate semi-independently, coordinating activities and sharing resources. If you wish, you can direct direct your donation to the most meaningful chapter(s) for you and help us better focus our activities on your needs.
By directing your donation, we'll affiliate you with that chapter - our communications with you will feature that chapter's activities. Of course, your affiliation isn’t exclusive; you’re always welcome at the activities of all PFLAG Portland Chapters.
Our monthly e-newsletter, The Portland Voice, will be sent to the e-mail address you specify.